Monday, August 27, 2012


I watched a fim recently in my THEA4260 called "Adaptation". It had a twisted  and layered script that tie you to the film. Main point of the film is that "the answer to everything might indeed be adaptation". Though this is the encompassing argument it is making, another caught my attention.

Laroche and Orlean are at an orchid exhibition. Laroche is joyful in his surroundings. He runs different species of orchids describing them as if they were his children. He examines the flowers while Orlean watches him. Laroche begins to describe the relationship between orchids and insects. Each kind of orchid is specifically engineered for a certain specie of insect.  Their bond and love making determined the genetic line for the orchids. The insect is so blindly attracted to its orchid that it never realizes it's making love to a flower. Orlean realizes that she envys Laroche in how he can be so engrossed and impassioned in something so simple. She wants something we all dream of obtaining....a passion. As the story goes on, we can sense Orlean is becoming worried in what she is becoming passionate about. She grows frightened and hesitant.

Why would she become fearful of discovering her passion? Something that would electrify her soul. Give her purpose in nothing.When you are passionate about something, you become obsessed. You can't control how you feel and start to cross barriers that you built for yourself. You lose control of yourself.  Orlean has never lost control of her life while in her New York townhouse. Her stable job and caring husband created an environment that never tested her lines.  Did she want to come close to something that would make her lose all of that?

To me, the main point of the film is that few people find their passions because they are scared of losing control.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 13 has been awhile since I lasted posted but tonight I have an hour to do a quick update!!

Day 2: Number to LuLu
21 in America is the 20 here. It is the age where law officially permits you to purchase and create accounts without the need of parental supervision! Being 19 I have yet to feel this freedom in Taiwan. I am shy of a few months to legally be allowed to create a bank account so I could pay for tuition. Luckily the people here in Taiwan are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Today, a girl named Lulu proved this point to be true. She agreed to help me even though she was not a volunteer. Went with me onto the MRT (their MARTA) to show me the foreign affairs office. Helped me apply for a residential number for me to create a bank account. Signed up for a phone card under her name so I could have a phone number in Taiwan. And last but not least, leant me a blanket off of her own bed so that I wouldn't freeze at night sleeping. This girl was amazing and I can not be anymore grateful to her!

Day 3: LUXY & a Motorcycle

"Emily, you can choose MRT orrrrr motorcycle. Which one you prefer to go to market?" says my friend Yilin.  Motorcycle of course!!! When I met him outside, I did not see what I expected. It was like Cinderella going outside to see a wagon instead of a carriage to the ball. He had a moped, the asian motorcycle. But do not be deceived as I was from the wimpy exterior!... For this little "wagon" had not three mice-changed-horses but what felt like 750HP engine. The ride to the market was great! You felt so alive having not protection around you! Because of the loose laws restricting moped movement in Taiwan, drivers whip next to and narrowly pass cars as if there is no threat of accidents. If you ever come to Taiwan...ride on one of these deceiving mopeds once, you will love it! Just remember to purchase a lower face mask to keep the exhaust breathing to a minimum.

Want to go clubbing in Taiwan? LUXY is the place to go. ughh this night was crAZYY~!! It was so crazy that I have to save it for another post....goodnight for now~<3

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 1

There’s a soft scrap as my feet pushes up toward the next icy metal bar. Family and friends cheer me on from the stands. As I climb up the lengthy ladder, I think of what is to come. I know there is a threat of me slipping off the diving board and landing into cement. I know there is a chance of me slipping before that off the ladder. I also can for see the adventure in diving. My heart is slowly picking up pace as I start to process the hight I am at and gaining. Once I reach the high diving board, it is terrifying and breath taking. I proudly look down thinking back on the hardships that I had to overcome to get here. THUMP-THUM-THU-THU-THU-THUMP! I am in the air! Freedom overcomes me for there is nothing to support or balance me. Alone in a vacant space that is unfamiliar to the human body. The rushing wind and unrestricted movement brings exhilaration and elation. Pose for the dive! SPLASH! When I submerge there are familiar faces surrounding the pool to help pull me up. My family and friends greet and welcome me back from my dive, everyone being happy to be together again. 
This is how I view my study abroad trip. I am climbing right now, but I can’t wait to dive into the country Taiwan!

hese past two days have been great. I was able to meet a few people when arriving so it's nice to know other people! The only hard part is trying to contact everyone! Holy gezz, the cell phone and number were amazing inventions! Every one has yet to buy a phone so it is hard to make plans. 

The City at Night!

Michael (UCSB), Me (GSU...), & Gabby (UCSD)

Look at the beautiful statue that firsts greets you when you enter Taiwan...ah~ how lovely?

Beef noodle soup!! First meal in Taiwan! It was really good and this was just a small little restaurant on camps!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dear Asian Drama,

There are certain dramas that bring me joy and content: "Sungkyunkwan Scandal", "Devil Beside You", and now "Secret Garden". "Secret Garden" is probably the one that gives me a sense of true love. For me, I feel a burning sensation that is simultaneously being sucked into the center of my chest. Of course this is not what love feels like, but I think my soul is trying to give me a glimpse of what it is like. Two black holes that attract each other until they consume each other and disappear together into the universe.

Hopeful Lead Actress

P.S. When two black holes meet, they make a bigger black hole. hahaha, not very romantic though huh?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dear Sadness,

The main path to sadness is not appreciating what you have. We all compare our lives to one another wondering "Wow, they look so happy. I want to be that happy!" ( ahem, ahem...facebook...)What we should do is stop before we compare and turn around to look back on our own lives.
In middle school, I went on a field trip to the gold mines in Dahlonega, GA. We were all given a gallon bag of dirt to sift through. A few moments went by and students started to find jewels and crystals. Sadness arose though when some students saw that other sifted out larger jewels than themselves. My goal for this year is to find the beauty in my life. I may not have large ruby as others do, but I do have a small diamond.



Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dear Snow Storm

It is officially over. The mini snow storm of 2011 has been melted down into an icy puddle. The mall is open today and the schools will open tomorrow. "Hurrah!" everyone says, "Daily life patterns of Georgia has been restored."

I must admit, while everyone was posting about their cabin fever and how insane they would go if "life" didn't go on, I sat here enjoying the stillness of everything. Businesses were closed so you didn't miss any work. Roads were too icy for friends to see one another so you didn't miss any hang-outs or parties.  Everything stopped! This small snow storm gave us all a chance to sit and experience time without having to worry about "life" moving on. I miss it. I don't feel as if I was able to fully grasp my time and not worry. I guess I have to wait another decade or so for life to stop and time to trickle in the next snow storm. Oh wait! I forgot that next year is the predicted "end of the world"! So I guess that was the last snow storm. (haha)


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dear Dusty Bunnies

With the end of every year, there are people and events that we wish we can all forget: old crushes that don't care about you, words that you wish you could have sucked back in, or actions that had hurt someone. Dirt and scum in your past that you wish to take a broom and sweep under the bed. But beneath the bed, these irritating dust bunnies grow and grow until you're breathing them in. What is there to do? Cut ties with the people? Brain wash yourself into forgetting the memories? After sweeping dust there is always a little spec left. 

Facebook to me is heaven and hell melted together in a cheesy quesadea. You are reminded of the awesome party you went to last week with the newly uploaded photos. The number of friends you have is visibly growing with each new request. Oh, but look. There at the bottom of your news feed is the girl you were always jealous of going off to Paris for the semester. Oh wait, more good news! The guy you've had a crush on for a year just got a girlfriend and has romantic photos posted. This social network makes it so hard to forget bad memories and appreciate your life. Sometimes I debate if I should just deactivate my account and find peace in not knowing what everyone is doing. The only thing holding me back from such antisocial behavior is the fact that it doesn't solve the problem. This coming Spring semester I am studying abroad in Taipei, Taiwan. I am hoping that maybe in the country where my ancestors came from I can find the answer to my question or the peace needed to appreciate my life.


Wanna-be-Blake Lively