Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dear Dusty Bunnies

With the end of every year, there are people and events that we wish we can all forget: old crushes that don't care about you, words that you wish you could have sucked back in, or actions that had hurt someone. Dirt and scum in your past that you wish to take a broom and sweep under the bed. But beneath the bed, these irritating dust bunnies grow and grow until you're breathing them in. What is there to do? Cut ties with the people? Brain wash yourself into forgetting the memories? After sweeping dust there is always a little spec left. 

Facebook to me is heaven and hell melted together in a cheesy quesadea. You are reminded of the awesome party you went to last week with the newly uploaded photos. The number of friends you have is visibly growing with each new request. Oh, but look. There at the bottom of your news feed is the girl you were always jealous of going off to Paris for the semester. Oh wait, more good news! The guy you've had a crush on for a year just got a girlfriend and has romantic photos posted. This social network makes it so hard to forget bad memories and appreciate your life. Sometimes I debate if I should just deactivate my account and find peace in not knowing what everyone is doing. The only thing holding me back from such antisocial behavior is the fact that it doesn't solve the problem. This coming Spring semester I am studying abroad in Taipei, Taiwan. I am hoping that maybe in the country where my ancestors came from I can find the answer to my question or the peace needed to appreciate my life.


Wanna-be-Blake Lively

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