I watched a fim recently in my THEA4260 called "Adaptation". It had a twisted and layered script that tie you to the film. Main point of the film is that "the answer to everything might indeed be adaptation". Though this is the encompassing argument it is making, another caught my attention.
Laroche and Orlean are at an orchid exhibition. Laroche is joyful in his surroundings. He runs different species of orchids describing them as if they were his children. He examines the flowers while Orlean watches him. Laroche begins to describe the relationship between orchids and insects. Each kind of orchid is specifically engineered for a certain specie of insect. Their bond and love making determined the genetic line for the orchids. The insect is so blindly attracted to its orchid that it never realizes it's making love to a flower. Orlean realizes that she envys Laroche in how he can be so engrossed and impassioned in something so simple. She wants something we all dream of obtaining....a passion. As the story goes on, we can sense Orlean is becoming worried in what she is becoming passionate about. She grows frightened and hesitant.
Why would she become fearful of discovering her passion? Something that would electrify her soul. Give her purpose in nothing.When you are passionate about something, you become obsessed. You can't control how you feel and start to cross barriers that you built for yourself. You lose control of yourself. Orlean has never lost control of her life while in her New York townhouse. Her stable job and caring husband created an environment that never tested her lines. Did she want to come close to something that would make her lose all of that?
To me, the main point of the film is that few people find their passions because they are scared of losing control.